So whaz up u guys?
Well I don't think anyone keep on eye with this but i don't mind keep on talking to me. Oops :P
Anyway I am back to Sydney now again.
I was fucked up before I left Japan and upset so bad but it would be another story.
I've arrived this morning from Brisbane. It was first time for me to transit over there.
I was bit freaking out but it was much easier than I imagine. Phew
It was fun hanging around airport but I got headaches every time I came to Narita airport by some reasons.
I was flying with Quantas air and I tried to have vegetarian menu.
There were several vegetarian/vegan menu depends on what u can eat or not.
I chose no meat, no seafood but egg or dairy was fine-ish one.
Dinner. Chinese food flavor I think. Was not that bad as u see :P
Needed more light to look better.
Breakfast. Salty green, Mushroom and young corn sauce on the rice noodle.
This pic also not good sorry :(
Myself, so exhausted with more than 8h on the little seat.
Killing my time having iced tea at departure gate at Brisbane.
This one. Super sweet but good after 8h flight. $4
Makes me happy! I always avoid sweet but sometimes u need ;)
Well time to go bed!!
I have more story which I want u to listen.
Talk to u soon!!
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